Fahrenheit’s next release: 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Volunteer.

Although the 54th Massachusetts was not the first infantry colored regiment raised throghout the Civil War, for their conduct and gallantry under fire of their men and officers, won an honor place in the pages of history.

Remembering the words whom the Governor of Massachusetts addressed to the regiment before to depart to South Carolina,

 “I know not when, in all human history, to any given thousand men in arms there has been committed a work at once so proud, so precious, so full of hope and glory.” 

Gov. John A. Andrew.

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54th Massachusetts Infantry Volunteer. (Fah 009)

Paint and photos by Fernando Ruiz

Sculpture by Eduard Pérez

Resin by Verdier Resin Miniatures

Scale 1/24 (75mm)

Number of parts: 9

Soon, full text and information at:
